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Thursday 28 April 2011

Royal Wedding

Some people may not be fussed however I am really looking forward to the royal wedding tomorrow. I am having a BBQ in my back garden. I will also be watching it on the TV.

New Visitors

Hello all. Just to let you know that if you check the Flag Counter, we have had one visit from the Phillipenes.

Tuesday 26 April 2011


We have recently changed the background of this website so text is easier to read.

DSMS website

Since Branksome is changeing it's name to darlington school of maths and science we will probalby have a website however i have done some reasearch and some of the websites are already taken like takes you to the Divya Shanthi Mission Support website. Also takes you to which is some sort of mobile electronics sales website. However the funniest is if you go to because there is just two words saying planely 'it works!'
haha, the funny powers of the tinterweb (internet).

Team of the Year

The Branksome Bugle has achived the Bernie Coyne team of the year award. We recived the award on Friday 15th April during assembily.
As it was Mr B Coynes last day he not only presented the trophie he was also the person who bought it.
The trophie is currently on display in the library.

Thursday 14 April 2011

International Sucsess

The Branksome Bugle is now international because we have had visitors in the USA and India. So thankyou to whoever you are!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Goodbye Mr Coyne

Its all very upseting. This school has gained alot from his teachings and support over the years. I am making him a card so if you wish to sign it let me know.